
More Blacks in JailMinority overrepresentation in the criminal and juvenile justice system
Draw 10 people and label them by ethnicity according to the juvenile population of Cook County (p. 4).
Draw 10 people and label them by ethnicity according to the arrested juvenile population of Cook County (p. 4).
Draw 10 people and label them by ethnicity according to the confined (jailed) juvenile population of Cook County (p. 5).
Draw 10 people and label them by ethnicity according to the juvenile population of Cook County transferred to adult court (top left, p. 6).

What do you notice?
Why do you think this occurs?
In “Minding the Gap” there are statistics that say that whites are more likely to use drugs than blacks, yet the statistics above seem to imply the opposite. What’s going on?

Minding the Gap: An Assessment of Racial Disparity in Metropolitan Chicago