1. Reasons to fight in a war.
At the top of your paper, write “Reasons to fight in a war.” Fold your paper in half lengthwise. On the lefthand side label it “Civil War,” on the right hand side label it “Iraq War.”
Watch the speech in the movie “Gettysburg” about why we are fighting. List all of the reasons he gives to fight in the Civil War.
Listen to and read along with the speech from President Bush about why we are fighting. List all of the reasons he gives to fight in the Iraq War.
Online Speech Bank: President George W. Bush – Address to the Nation on the Commencement of War with Iraq 3-19-03
Unfold your paper. Draw a line connecting reasons to fight in a war that are similar in both wars.
2. Reasons not to fight in a war.
At the top of another paper, write “Reasons not to fight in a war.” Fold your paper in half lengthwise. On the lefthand side label it “Civil War,” on the right hand side label it “Iraq War.”
Watch the draft riots scene from “Gangs of New York.” Discuss as a group why someone would not fight in the Civil War. List all of the reasons not to fight in the Civil War.
What is a draft?
Watch, listen to and/or read along with the speech from Pablo Paredes about why he chose not to fight in the war. List all of the reasons he gives not to fight in the Iraq War.
Democracy Now! | War Resister Pablo Paredes Wins Surprise Victory: Military Judges Orders No Jail Time For Refusing Deployment Orders
What is a court martial?
What are the Nuremberg Trials?
Unfold your paper. Draw a line connecting reasons not to fight in a war that are similar in both wars.
3. On your own, write a response to: As a 15 year member of the military, would you participate in the Iraq war? Why or why not? Reasons msut be substantial.
4. Find 2-5 other people who answered the same as you to the question above.
If you answered “No, you would not participate,” imagine you are on trial in a military court as Pablo Paredes was. Prepare a poster listing the key points in defense of your decision not to participate.
If you answered “Yes, you would participate,” imagine you are on trial in an international court such as the one in the Nuremberg Trials. Prepare a poster listing the key points in defense of your decision to participate.
5. As a class, discuss the key points for and against participation in the Iraq war.
6. How are the civil war and the Iraq war similar and different? (Reasons for war (not reasons to fight in war – we already covered that), tactics, strategies, terrain, and so on)
7. On your own, write a response to: Would you participate in the Civil War? Why or why not? Reasons msut be substantial.
8. Find 2-5 other people who answered the same as you to the question above.
If you answered “No, you would not participate,” imagine you are on trial in a military court as Charley Skedaddle was. Prepare a poster listing the key points in defense of your decision not to participate.
If you answered “Yes, you would participate,” imagine you are on trial in an international court such as the one in the Nuremberg Trials. Prepare a poster listing the key points in defense of your decision to participate.
8. Was Charley Skedaddle a coward? Why or why not? Was Pablo Paredes a coward? Why or why not?
9. Since this is a democracy, are you a participant in the Iraq war already? What about taxes? Discuss Civil Disobedience by Henry David Thoreau. If you were old enough to pay federal taxes, would you pay your taxes or not? Why or why not?