imascii 2?

  *GIF89ac ^ ÷ 3 f ? Ì ÿ 3 33 f3 ?3 Ì3 ÿ3 f 3f ff ?f Ìf ÿf ? 3? f? ?? Ì? ÿ? Ì 3Ì fÌ ?Ì ÌÌ ÿÌ ÿ 3ÿ fÿ ?ÿ Ìÿ ÿÿ 33 3f 3? 3Ì 3ÿ 3 33333f33?33Ì33ÿ33 f33f3ff3?f3Ìf3ÿf3 ?33?3f?3??3Ì?3ÿ?3 Ì33Ì3fÌ3?Ì3ÌÌ3ÿÌ3 ÿ33ÿ3fÿ3?ÿ3Ìÿ3ÿÿ3 f3 ff f? fÌ fÿ […]

imascii in 3 easy steps

step_1. right click in browser and select ‘save image as’.  save image as ‘image.htm’ step_2. open in notepad. place a * as the first character of the file. (the GIF89 or similar serves to identify the file, putting  a character in front disables this.) it in your web browser and ENJOY examples: 1 2 […]

imascii 4?

  *GIF89a? Ä ÿÿÿïòüÞäøÎØõ½Ëò­¾ï?°ë?£è{?äsãc?àRtÝBhÙ1ZÖ!NÓ@Ï 3ÌÀÀÀ !ù , ? ÿ $?di?c¤®lë¾**Ï$lß+­ï¼?ÿ¯?HÌ ÈY±?ô-Íhô ?¢¨?«¶?­u·Þ Ó6`?hD_xt¶?m+©o y3, – ??r7%U$?+?, J}c-%u*®?+4 ,$-¤#??{a?WF,2Ázb&,o#??³3¢¬$½,$?8àáÄ1″*?ädÂs)+Ð#×ð(Ú* #Þ°#µÜØ5¶ÌY1Ï??rGD]=mVìB¡?”¸!?&?°ÃÂÿ